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Junior High School

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Grade 11

The grading system for Senior High School (SHS) follows different set of weights for each component.


Core Subjects

Academic Track

Technical – Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) / Sports / Arts and Design Track



All Other Subjects

Work Immersion / Research / Business Enterprise Simulation / Exhibit / Performance

All Other Subjects

Work Immersion / Research / Performance

Written Work





Performance Tasks





Quarterly Assessment







The two (2) quarters determine the Final Grade in a semester. The table below shows

an example in Grade 11 for Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) strand.




First Semester Final Grade



Core Subjects




Oral Communication in Context




Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino




Earth and Life Science




Understanding Culture, Society and Politics




Physical Education and Health




Applied and Specified Subjects




English for Academics and Professional Purposes




Research in Daily Life I




Specialization Subjects




Fundamentals of Accountings Business and Management




General Average







Second Semester Final Grade



Core Subjects




Reading and Writing Skills




Pagbasa at Pagsuri ng Iba’t-ibang

Teksto tungkol sa Pananaliksik




Statistics and Probability




Physical Science




21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World




Physical Education and Health




Applied and Specified Subjects




Empowerment Technologies:

ICT for Professional Tracks




Specialization Subjects




Business Math




Organization and Management




General Average





a.Conduct Grade

The grades in Conduct / Deportment are conducted by each subject teacher and adviser using the following character and scale.



  • Goodness
  • Humility
  • Exuberance
  • Amiability
  • Responsibility
  • Trustworthiness



A +     100 –  96                        B-         83 –  81

A        95   –  93                         C +       80 –  78

A -      92   –  90                        C          77 –  75

B +     89   –  87                         C -        74 –  72

B        86   –  84                         D          71 below


  1. Issuance of Report Cards
    1. The school observes four (4) grading periods. Report Cards are issued at   the end of each grading period. Parents are required to personally claim the card of their son/daughter and to confer with the respective teacher/s about the scholastic/behavioral progress in the school.
    2. Unclaimed report cards are forwarded to the Registrar’s Office after the scheduled date for proper issuance to late claimants. Parents may secure the unclaimed report cards from the office preferably within 3 working days after the card distribution; it is advised that parents should request an appointment with the class adviser to inquire about their child’s scholastic and behavioral status before he/she can get the card from the office.


  1. Catch – up and Bridge Program
  1. These are programs that the school conducts in order to help the pupils/students creatively address and successfully overcome any handicap or weakness which is identified by the teacher or the school authority.  The length of time varies according to the kind of intervention needed by a particular student.  There are three (3) kinds of intervention programs the school can make available depending on the need of the child.  To wit:


  1. Tutorial Program

  Tutorial Program is conducted for pupils/students who have demonstrated specific weaknesses in their academic performance.  This is usually done one-on-one to assist the student in coping with the specific weakness identified by the recommending teacher.  The appointment of a tutor is done by the Principal in order to select the best teacher who will be able to address the individual concern of the tutee.  It is normally programmed for a period of 3 to 6 months after which the student should be able to do things on his/her own.


  1. Opportunity Program

  This is usually conducted by the school to address the specific needs of a group of students.  The needs are normally identified according to the skills in a particular subject area.  Students are put together and a teacher is assigned to handle the specific areas for improvement.  This is normally done to enable the students to catch up with the rest of the population in a specific class.  The normal period for the conduct of this is 2 to 3 months. If and when any particular student is unable to catch up, he/she may be recommended for tutorial program.


  1. Summer Enrichment / Remedial Program

   This is conducted for students who were not able to meet the academic grade requirements of at least 80% of a particular subject in a particular level.  This is conducted after the academic school year is over.  The length of time is usually 36 to 40 hours. For pupils / students who failed or with a grade of 74% and below are required to attend summer remedial classes.


  1. Enlistment in the Academic intervention Program is coursed through the subject teacher and the subject area coordinator / team coordinator.
  2. Request for tutorial services is arranged through the Principal.



  1. Honors and Awards 

Awards to be given:

  1. Classroom Awards

are recognitions given to learners in each level. A simple recognition given per quarter, semester, or the end of school year. Awardees are given merit in recognition to the learners’ outstanding performance in class.

  1. Performance Awards for Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Learners in ECE are recognized for their most evident and most prominent abilities. They are recognized for showing significant improvement in a specific area (e.g. from having poor fine-motor skills to being able to draw or write well). Teachers will recognize outstanding achievement of learners based on the different domains and / or learning competencies of the kindergarten curriculum. To be given quarterly and at the end of the school year are the following:


  • Best in Performing Arts (Singing & Dancing)
  • Best in PE (Physical Agility)
  • Best in Health (Self-care)
  • Best in Art (Visual Arts - Coloring / Drawing)


  • Best in English & Filipino (Communication / Self Expression)
  • Best in Literacy (Literacy Reading, Writing & Composing)
  • Best in Math (Numeracy)


  1. Academic Excellence Award

The Award for Academic Excellence within the quarter is given to learners from Grade 1 to 11 who have attained an average of at least 90% and have not gotten a grade lower than 85% in any subject area or in conduct grade in any grading period.


The table below shows the specific Academic Excellence Awards given to learners who meet the following cut-off grades:

  Academic Excellence Award

  Average Grade per Quarter

  With Highest Honors

       98 – 100

  With High Honors

       95 – 97

  With Honors

       90 – 94


  1. Values Awards

These awards are given to learners who have been observed to consistently demonstrate the RCBN – ES Core Values GOOD H.E.A.R.T.


Values Awards for ECE

These awards are given to young learners to affirm their positive traits and attitudes or to recognize significant improvement in their behavior quarterly and at the end of the school year.


H.E.A.R.T. Awards to be given are the following, namely:

  • Most Humble
  • Most Exuberant
  • Most Amiable
  • Most Responsible
  • Most Trustworthy




Values Awards for Grades 1 to 11

Values Awards are given in every section per level from Grades 1 to 11. This will be based on the evaluation of the adviser and subject area teachers using the guidelines stipulated in the RCBN-ES character scale.  Awardees must have consistently and dutifully carried out the core values of RCBN-ES. They must have obtained a rating of at least 85% “B”. This will be given quarterly and at the end of the school year.

      H.E.A.R.T. Awards to be given are the following, namely:

  • Most Humble
  • Most Exuberant
  • Most Amiable
  • Most Responsible
  • Most Trustworthy


  1. Recognition for Perfect Attendance

This award is given at the end of every quarter to encourage learners to attend and actively participate in class. Perfect attendance means that a learner must be present in all of his / her classes, and must have no absences and tardiness for the entire quarter. Learners who are representing the school for various purposes may also be qualified for this award. 


  1. Grade – level Awards are given to qualified learners for every grade level at the end of the school year. Candidates for the awards are deliberated by the Awards Committee if they have met the given criteria.


  1. Academic Excellence Award       

At the end of the school year, Academic Excellence is given to learners from Grades 1 to 11 who have attained a general average of at least 90% and have not gotten a grade lower than 85% in any subject area or in conduct in any grading period.


The table below shows the specific Academic Excellence Awards given to learners who meet the following cut-off grades:

  Academic Excellence Award

  Average Grade per Quarter

  With Highest Honors

    98 – 100

  With High Honors

    95 – 97

  With Honors

   90 – 94


  1. Leadership Award

The Leadership Award is given to learners in Grade 6, 10 and 12 who have demonstrated exemplary skills in monitoring others and organizing projects that have significantly contributed to the betterment of the school and / or community. This award is given during the completion or graduation ceremony.

To qualify for this award, a learner must:

  1. Have no failing grades in any of the learning areas.
  2. Have not committed any offense punishable by suspension or higher sanction.


  1. Be a class officer or an active member / officer of any recognized school club, team or organization.


Table below shows the set of criteria and weights that will be used by advisers and peers in the evaluation and deliberation process. Candidates will be evaluated by at least 30% of their peers (group,             team, class, or club mates) as well as their club or class advisers. Only those learners who have met at least 90% of the criteria will be awarded.


Criteria for Leadership Award





  1. Motivational Skills (40%)
    1. Communicates effectively
    2. Shows initiative and responsibility
    3. Engages group and / or club mates to participate actively
    4. Establishes collaborative relationships
    5. Resolves conflicts









  1. Planning and Organizational Skills (40%)
    1. Plans and designs relevant activities for the class, club and / or school
    2. Implements planned activities effectively and efficiently
    3. Monitors implementation of plans and tasks
    4. manages and / or uses resources wisely












  1. Contribution to the School and / or Community (20%)

Renders service and / or implements activities relevant to the school population and / or community












  1. Awards for Outstanding Performance in Specific Discipline 

These awards are given to recognize learners in Grade 6, 10 and 12 who have exhibited exemplary skills and achievement in specific disciplines and who have not gotten a grade lower than 85% in the subject area or specific discipline in any grading period. These awards also value the learner’s achievement in specific discipline that has contributed to the school and / or community.




This award is given to learners who have shown outstanding skills in athletics (particularly in games and sports) through participation and victories in competitions as well as discipline in training and sportsman like conduct and character. 


The academic rating that will be considered for this award would be the student’s final grade in Physical Education.



Arts (e.g. visual, media, music, or performing arts)

This award is given to learners who have consistently demonstrated outstanding skills in the arts and above average creativity and craftsmanship exemplified through contribution to school \’s various functions and events.


The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the final grade in Music, Arts or Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions for Senior High School (SHS).



Communication Arts

This award is given to learners who have demonstrated proficiency in any language (Filipino, English or other foreign languages), in written or in oral communication, shown creativity in expressing ideas in written or oral activities in various subjects, and contributed to the school community.


The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s final grade in Filipino, English or other foreign language subjects and related learning area in Senior High School specific to the award.




This award is given to learners who have high academic standing in Science, demonstrated passion for science expressed through an excellent attitude toward science works, shown enthusiasm for science which positively influences other students in class and the wider school community, and displayed inquisitiveness about the environment, how things work, and how natural processes occur.


The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s final grade in Science for Grades 6 and 10, or the average rating for the two core Science subjects in SHS.




This award is given to learners who have high academic standing in Mathematics, demonstrated passion for math expressed through an excellent attitude towards math works, and shown enthusiasm for math, which positively impacts other students in class.

The academic rating that will be considered for this ward is the student’s final grade in Mathematics for Grade 6 and 10, or the average rating for the core Mathematics subjects in SHS.



Social  Sciences

This award is given to learners who have high academic standing in social sciences. They have consistently demonstrated the willingness and ability to contribute to and participate in activities that serve the common good. They have used their knowledge, skills, and disposition in history, geography, economics, and other areas of the social sciences to promote the common good and to achieve shared ends for others in the school and / or community above and beyond their personal good.


The academic rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s final grade in Araling Panlipunan for Grade 6 and 10, or the average rating for the core Social Science subjects (Personal Development / Pansariling Kaunlaran and Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics) in SHS.


Criteria for Awards for Outstanding Performance

in Specific Disciplines  



  1. Academic Rating

The final grade in the learning area or average of the final grades in subjects specifically related to the award




  1. Skill in the discipline

As shown through:

  1. Output (oral or written work, projects, etc., if applicable
  2. Membership in a club / team (if applicable)
  3. Class or school representation
  4. Winnings and awards





  1. Attitude toward the Discipline
    1. Peer evaluation (if applicable)
    2. Commendation from coach / adviser



  1. Contributions to the School related to the Discipline

In any of the following:

  1. Tutorials / Coaching
  2. Performance in school’s various functions and events
  3. Products
  4. Projects
  5. Volunteer work





Note:       Peer evaluation is only applicable to disciplines that involve collaborative work. Candidates will be evaluated by at least 30% of their peers (group, team. class, or club mates) as well as their class or club adviser.



  1. Award for Club or Organization Achievement

This award is given to a duly recognized club or organization that has created positive impact on the school and / or community it serves through the implementation of all its planned projects and activities, provided strong support to the implementation of the school activities and attainment of the school’s objectives, and taken great strides to help its members develop their potentials. 


The table below shows the set of criteria and weights that will be used in the evaluation and deliberation process for this award. Only those clubs or organizations that have received at least 90% of the criteria below shall be awarded.


                                     Criteria and Weights for Awards for Club or Organization Achievement



  1. Club / Organization Performance
    1. Plans and develops club / organization’s objectives, projects, and activities
    2. Implements projects and activities and delivers services based on the club / organization’s objectives and plans
    3. Manages and / or uses resources wisely
    4. Shows teamwork and collaboration among its members


  1. Exemplary Output

Delivers a concrete output related to the objectives and purpose of the organization and the school


  1. Contribution to the School or Community

Benefits the members of the club / organization and the greater majority of the school population and / or community


  1. Special Recognition is given by the school to the learners who have represented and / or won in competitions at the district, regional, national, or international level. This is to publicly affirm learners who have brought honor to the school.


Bishop’s Award – is given to Junior High completer who has unselfishly shared his/her time, talents and efforts in school activities through enduring service or exemplary involvement during the school year. He / She should not have received a failing mark in any subjects, and should not have been involved in any offense that is punishable by suspension. The selection will be guided by the following criteria:



Academic Performance


Academic Exposure: In-campus


Academic Exposure: Out-campus


Involvement/Participation in different  organization, school, community and parish/church service                           







  • DepEd Order # 36 s. 2016 with a litte adaptation
  1. Promotion and Retention

Promotion as a general rule states that no pupil / student shall be promoted / graduated unless he/she has residence of at least one curriculum year and has adequately complied with all academic requirements.           


  1. Probation

  Academic Probation is the formal academic status of a pupil / student with a condition that satisfactory improvement in academic performance be made in all subjects prior to readmission in the next school year.


  1. Grade School

       A grade school pupil is placed on Academic Probation when he/she:

  1. Failed in one (1) subject
  2. Received final grades of 75% in three or more subjects
  3. Failed to attend the required intervention classes.


    Academic Probation is lifted for the following school year if the student obtains a minimum final grade of 80% in the subject(s) he/she has difficulty with.

        If however, she fails to make a minimum final grade of 80% in the subject(s) he/she has difficulty with, then he/she may not be readmitted in the next school year. 

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School
Address: J.P. Ramoy St., Talipapa Novaliches, Quezon City

T: 8814-3497 / 82873621 (Principal's/Registrar's Office)
Email Address: [email protected], [email protected]

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